October 3-6, Kansas City MO: The Daguerreian Society Annual Symposium, Conference, & Fair. www.daguerreiansociety.org
October 4-5, Austin TX: Austin Antique Postcard, Photo, & Vintage Paper Show. www.ctxpc.org
October 5-6, Allentown PA: Allentown Paper Show. www.allentownpapershow.com
October 11-12, Plano TX: Greater Dallas Postcard and Paper Show. www.courthousesquare.net
October 12-13, Vancouver BC: Vancouver Rare Book, Photograph & Paper Show. vrbppshow.ca
October 17-18, Ann Arbor MI: ESA Mid-Year Meeting and Tours. Contact Barbara Fahs Charles at bcharles@staplesandcharles.com
October 19, Tampa FL: Sunshine Postcard Club Show. www.courthousesquare.net
October 19, Rochester NY: The 47th Rochester Antiquarian Book Fair.www.rochesterbooksellers.com
October 19-20, Wichita KS: 42nd Wichita International Postcard and Paper Americana Show and Sale.www.courthousesquare.net
October 20. Lansing, MI: 70th Michigan Antiquarian Book and Paper Show. www.curiousbooks.com
October 20, Northampton MA: Pioneer Valley Vintage Book & Ephemera Fair.www.flamingoeventz.com
October 23-27, St. Louis MO: Fellowship of American Bibliophilic Societies (FABS) Study Tour.www.fabsocieties.org
October 25-27, College Park MD: American Printing History Association Annual Conference, One Press, Many Hands: Diversity in the History of American Printing. www.printinghistory.org
October 26-27, Springfield MO: Springfield Missouri Postcard and Paper Show and Sale.www.courthousesquare.net
November 1-2, Countryside IL: Chicago Postcard and Paper Show. www.courthousesquare.net
November 1-2, New York NY: Metropolitan Postcard Club Fall International Postcard Show.
November 1-3, Toronto ON: Toronto Antiquarian Book Fair. www.torontoantiquarianbookfair.com
November 9-10, San Marino CA: San Marino Postcard Show. www.postcardshows.com
November 15-17, Boston MA: 42nd Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair. www.abaa.org
November 15-17, Tulsa OK: Vintage Tulsa Show – A Very Vintage Christmas.www.heritageeventcompany.com
November 16, Boston MA: Boston Book, Print, & Ephemera Fair. www.bookandpaperfairs.com
November 22-23, York PA: York International Postcard Expo. www.marylmartin.com
December 1, London UK: The Ephemera Society Winter Fair. www.ephemera-society.org.uk
December 7-8, Wilmington MA: Book and Paper Row. www.bookandpaperfairs.com
January 3-4, Deland FL: Deland Florida Vintage Paper & Postcard Expo. marylmartin.com
January 10-12, New Braunfels TX: New Braunfels Antique Postcard and Paper Show. courthousesquare.net
January 11-12, Hartford CT: Papermania Plus! papermaniaplus.com
January 31-February 1, San Francisco CA: San Francisco Antiquarian Book, Print & Paper Fair. www.nancyjohnsonevents.com
February 7-9, Pasadena CA: 53rd California International Antiquarian Book Fair. www.cabookfair.com
February 14-16, Tulsa OK. Tulsa Antique Postcard and Paper Show. courthousesquare.net
February 21-23, New York NY: Greenwich Village Antiquarian Book & Ephemera Fair.www.bookandpaperfairs.com
March 5-8, New York NY: 60th International New York Antiquarian Book Fair. www.nyantiquarianbookfair.com
March 7, New York NY: New York City Book and Ephemera Fair. www.bookandpaperfairs.com
March 7, New York NY: The Manhattan Vintage Book & Ephemera Fair And Fine Press Book Fair, the Shadow Show. www.flamingoeventz.com
March 7-8, Oklahoma City OK: Oklahoma City Postcard and Paper Show. courthousesquare.net
March 8, Rosslyn VA: D.C. Antique Photo & Postcard Show. marylmartin.com
March 13-14, Plano TX: Greater Dallas Postcard and Paper Show. courthousesquare.net
March 20-21, Houston TX: Houston Metro Postcard and Paper Show. courthousesquare.net
March 27-29, Old Greenwich CT: Ephemera 40 – the Ephemera Society of America Annual Conference & Show. www.ephemerasociety.org
April 3, New York NY: New York Photo Show. marylmartin.com
April 11, Boxborough MA: Paper Town – The Vintage Paper, Book & Advertising Show. www.flamingoeventz.com
April 17-18, Arlington VA: DC National Rare Book and Ephemera Fair. www.bookandpaperfairs.com
April 17-18, Countryside IL. Chicago Postcard and Paper Show. courthousesquare.net
May 17-18, Ann Arbor MI: Ann Arbor Antiquarian Book Fair. annarborbookfair.com
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The eNews, published monthly by The Ephemera Society of America, is edited by
Anne Stewart O’Donnell. Contact her at enewseditor@ephemerasociety.org.
For more information on the Society, visit www.ephemerasociety.org